This October 20 to 23, we will present our annual Poets Forum in partnership with the Geraldine R. Dodge Poetry Festival, featuring a reading by the Chancellors of the Academy of American Poets and a series of conversations among the distinguished poets.

Take a look at an excerpt from the Dodge Blog’s Q&A series Ask a Poet, in which they interviewed U.S. Poet Laureate Juan Felipe Herrera, one of the Chancellors who will participate in the festival.

Dodge Blog: With all the other demands and distractions in life, how do you make time for poetry?

Juan Felipe Herrera: You have to sneak it into everything you do—you must not wait. Write on the back of an envelope, in a taxi, at the car dealer, waiting to get your rotten tooth yanked out, or just simply while you are cleaning your dogs spud-shaped paws.

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