Lisa Bickmore

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1957 –
Poet Laureate of Utah, 2022–2027

Lisa Bickmore was born in Dover, Delaware, and earned a BA and MA from Brigham Young University, with doctoral work at the University of Utah. 

Bickmore is the author of three books of poems: Ephemerist (Red Mountain Press, 2017); flicker (Elixir Press, 2016), winner of the 2014 Antivenom Poetry Award from Elixir Press; and Haste (Signature Books, 1994). 

Bickmore is the founder and publisher of the new, independent nonprofit Lightscatter Press.

The poet laureate for the state of Utah through 2027, Bickmore currently lives in West Jordan, Utah. In 2023, Bickmore received an Academy of American Poets Laureate Fellowship