This National Poetry Month, we ask our readers to participate in Shelter in Poems and share a poem that helps us find courage, solace, and actionable energy. As responses continue to arrive from across the globe, and as classes continue to take place online, we invite you  as teachers to assign your students to participate in Shelter in Poems from home with this short lesson plan:

Ask your students to:

1. Browse our selection of poetry for kids or teens and find a poem that brings you hope or inspiration. 

2. Write a few sentences about how or why the poem brings you hope or inspiration. 

3. Send your response by email to [email protected].

We will consider all responses to feature on this special Shelter in Poems page.

Please note the following extensions will not be considered for publication:

Extension for Grades 7-8: Write an essay about how “solace” might relate to the term “shelter.” How are they similar or different? 

Extension for Grades 9-12: Then, find another person’s chosen poem and response.  How does it compare to or differ from yours?