
by Rebecca Teich

An animal much              like myself passes by 
I am not alone in space or likeness 
An adventure to find a piece  of bread with absolutely nothing on it through me  
for a loop                           I don’t find myself to be garbled and yet 
in basic terms, they got my order wrong          They got my never order right 
Something in the woodwork that we all knew 
and hoped again             Parody teeters on the cusp of enactment 
is both an act and an act                            The difference between rough and house 
Sent out and what coheres into messaged                             Bodied 
beckoned into question and back          into some sort of makeshift answer 
Antennae abound             the rod is out and online            in your area                    how                     long 
                     Cruising, proprioceptors teased out    and teas ing 
Toting, what an endearing activity              but how long before this too is passe
my jeans were never cuffed with legs like this                          so spindled out of my groin… !