Every Christmas from 1929 to 1962, in an elaborate spin on the typical, run-of-the-mill holiday greeting, Robert Frost would send a poem—usually an original piece—to his friends and loved ones. These holiday greetings were printed as special, limited edition letterpress chapbooks and are still treasured today. However, Frost isn’t the only poet known for his original holiday cards; this winter, Poets House is exhibiting a variety of greetings from many other beloved lyricists.

Take a break from signing those holiday postcards and e-cards this season to visit Poets House’s Winter Wedding: Holiday Cards by Poets. The new exhibit features holiday cards, valentines, rare booklets, and more from poets such as Langston Hughes, Alice Notley, Ted Berrigan, Seamus Heaney, and Sylvia Plath. The curators of the collection are Kevin Young and Lisa Chinn. The exhibit will be on view through March 21, 2015.

Read more about Frost's holiday cards here and learn more about Winter Wedding: Holiday Cards by Poets on the Poets House website.